Take your portfolio online

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This morning I spoke to high school students attending portfolio day at Friends University. I suggested to the students that, while a physical portfolio is essential, an online portfolio can be a useful way to leverage the work and help develop an online reputation. Useful when someone needs to see your portfolio right now, or when your portfolio needs to be in two places at once. Saves on postage, too.

An online portfolio tacitly shows that you're comfortable working in an online, digital environment. So start scanning, digitizing, photographing and writing, and get that work online. 

Using the SaaS approach (Software as a Service), you don't have to write a bunch of code to create an online portfolio. Host it from a click 'n build website or a blogging platform. Then link, link, link! Photos? Link to Flickr. Video? Link to Vimeo. Powerpoints? Try Slideshare.

Here are some of the other tools I talked about:

Behance.net, currently open by invitation, offers a well-designed online portfolio space. Currently in beta.

Etsy.com, online marketplace for selling handmade things.

Issuu.com, tool for presenting and sharing formatted printed documents online.

VisualCV.com, currently in beta, allows you to create an interactive, online CV and post it in a searchable database.

DeviantArt.com, suggested by a student. International art community that allows you to upload your art, view art by category and participate in social activities.

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rspunk Author Profile Page said:

Please take a look at www.nuresume.com, a free Resume Network for students where each student can create a multi-media resume portfolio page. I would love for you to list us in your list of services for online portfolios. Thanks.

jamespwill Author Profile Page said:

Totally agree. When trying to land that first job, I thought what could be the deciding factor between me and the other guy? I put resources into www.jamespwilliams.com, and I think it paid off.

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